1. The Unity Of The Godhead And The Trinity Of The Persons Therein.
The Church believes in the Holy Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; the father being the Supreme God, maker of heaven and earth, and the creator of all creatures. Therefore Christian teaching of the Trinity states that God exists eternally as three persons who, while distinct, are equally and fully God.
Why is it necessary that we believe this? The Bible reveals there is one God. It also shows that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are God. If we don’t believe in God, we fall at the first hurdle. Other world religions offer other and many gods. We need to be clear that the Bible says there is one true God; all others are false and ‘man-made’ (idols). The Bible says that God exists as three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is difficult to understand, but at the beginning of Scripture God says ‘let us make man in our image (Genesis 1:26). A very simplistic way to understand this is to look at water. Water can exist in three states; liquid, solid form – ice, and as a vapour – steam. At each state the water is different in form and appearance, yet still water. God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Each distinct, yet each God.
Useful Scriptures: Matt 28:19, 2 Cor 13:14, 1 John 5:7