
Brief Overview

Children department is concerned with the molding and building of the tender destinies of the children.

Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him….

Our Vision

The vision of the department is to lead our children into a growing relationship with Christ by creating an environment in which biblical teachings and activities are pursued to develop a godly spiritual and moral lifestyle that reflect Jesus Christ to everyone. We strongly believe that the children in the care of dedicated and godly teachers are groomed to live in the fear of the Lord, flee from all appearances of evil and stand out amongst their contemporaries.

Our Standard

Our programs are Bible-based and children-centered. We encourage the use of real-life experiences from the children when teaching and studying the Bible.

In addition, Bible lessons are disseminated in small group  

forums, skits/plays, recitals, songs, and hands –on activities such as; arts and crafts projects. These platforms enhance the easy understanding of the words of GOD for our children.

Our lectures are informal and they foster great collaborative  communication system between 

 the teachers and the children.

 Our Questions and Answers sessions are wonderfully organized to identify and encourage the children’s knowledge of the words of God and to as well fortify their spiritual, social and moral lifestyles.

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